Thursday, October 25, 2007

My Best Friend

Ok so I adore my mom. Yes, I still call her Mommy and tell her I love her several times a day. I feel like I cannot tell her enough! I remember when I was in 2nd grade we had to draw a picture of our hero and present it to the class. Guess who my hero was: MOM! So anyway, Mom, Fantastic, Fabulous, and Fun Fran, I love you with all I have. You are my spiritual leader, encourager, biggest fan, and friend. I will always be your baby girl.
So I have the most perfect verse to give to you Mom:
"She always faces tomorrow with a smile. When she speaks she has something worthwhile to say, and she always says it kindly. She keeps an eye on everyone in her household, and keeps them all busy and productive. Her children respect and bless her; her husband joins in with words of praise: "Many women have done wonderful things, but you've outclassed them all!" Charm can mislead and beauty soon fades. The woman to be admired and praised is the woman who lives in the Fear-of-God. Give her everything she deserves! Festoon her life with praises!" Proverbs 31 (The Message)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Only a woman as wonderful as the one you describe could raise such a wonderful young soul.